13 Cross-border e-commerce forums Sellers should know about

In the age of social media, online forums can seem old-fashioned. But there are many attractive, interesting and informative e-commerce forums.

The Internet is currently flooded with e-commerce forums, but these 13 are undoubtedly the best for cross-border sellers and can give you the tools and ideas you need to drive your business forward.

1.Shopify E-commerce University

This is Shopify's official forum where you can discuss any ideas or get advice related to e-commerce. You can also showcase your Shopify store and ask community members for feedback. This free resource does not require participants to register as Shopify users before joining the conversation.

website: https://ecommerce.shopify.com/

2.BigCommerce Community

The BigCommerce community, provided by e-commerce software company BigCommerce, is a place to ask questions, find answers and exchange tips. The community has a variety of groups, including payments, marketing, and SEO consulting, etc., that allow you to learn how to increase your conversion rate and earn extra income through your store. If you want direct constructive and honest feedback on your site, browse the forums, but you must be a BigCommerce customer to access the community.

website: https://forum.bigcommerce.com/s/

3.Web Retailer Forum

WebRetailer is a community for businesses that sell products through online marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon. The forum provides an opportunity for members to discuss issues, build industry knowledge and become more effective sellers. You can also get answers to questions related to software and sales techniques. The forum is free of charge.

website: http://www.webretailer.com/forum.asp


For store owners with sales in the seven figures or more. Experienced online sellers share their businesses and advise members on how to grow their brands. Joining the forum gives users access to more than 10,000 historical discussions, live help, members-only event invitations, and more. The private community is limited to businesses with $250,000 in annual revenue.

website: https://www.ecommercefuel.com/ecommerce-forum/

5.Warrior Forum

Warrior Forum, this forum is the most famous overseas marketing forum, the world's largest online marketing community.

It was founded in 1997 by a guy called Clifton Allen, it's based in Sydney, it's very old. The forum content includes digital marketing, growth hacking, advertising alliances and other content. For beginners and veterans alike, there are still plenty of quality posts to learn from.

website: https://www.warriorforum.com/

6. The eBay community

For eBay practices, tips and insights, please refer to the eBbay community. You can ask questions of eBay employees and talk to other sellers. If you're just starting out on the platform, check out the buy and Selling Basics Board, where community members and eBay staff can answer beginner questions. You can chat with eBay staff every week and ask them all about eBay.

website: https://community.ebay.com/

7. Amazon Seller Center

If you do business on Amazon, join the Amazon Seller Center to discuss sales tips and other tricks with other sellers. Forum categories include order fulfillment, Amazon Pay, Amazon Advertising, and more. There are many sellers who want to share sales information on Amazon, so feel free to ask questions.

website: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/forums/

8.Digital Point Forum

The Digital Point Forum is primarily a forum for SEO, marketing, web design and more. In addition, it also provides a platform for various transactions between webmasters. Similar to domestic all sorts of stationmaster trading platform.

website: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/forums/ecommerce.115/

9.SEO Chat

SEO Chat is a free forum dedicated to helping beginners and professionals improve their knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO). Here, you can use the brains of search engine optimization experts to improve your skills. In addition to SEO tips and advice, the forum also offers informative posts on other online marketing topics, such as keyword research and mobile optimization.

website: http://www.seochat.com/


Looking for an interesting place to learn about affiliate marketing? View the WickedFire. This affiliate marketing forum is where you can find like-minded individuals to discuss topics related to affiliate/publisher games. The Wicked Fire forum was created in 2006 as a marketing website forum. The website provides information on search engine optimization, web design, web development, Internet marketing, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing strategy and more. Some people say the Warriors Forum and Digital Point are polite and follow the rules because they are full of people buying things. They always want to sell you e-books, SEM tools that are useless. The Wicked Fire forums, on the other hand, aren't so polite because they don't want to sell you stuff, they're really doing tricks. Although the membership of the forum is small, the average annual income of each member is likely to be much higher than elsewhere.

website: https://www.wickedfire.com/

11.Webmaster Sun

Webmaster Sun is a community dedicated to all things web related. Visit online business and e-commerce forums for tips and strategies on selling online. Webmaster Sun gets about 1,900 visitors a day, according to the site, so show off your expertise on their blog.

website: https://www.webmastersun.com/

12.MoZ Q and A Forum

The Moz forum was created by software company Moz and is dedicated to SEO, but you can ask questions and provide answers to most e-commerce related issues. While anyone can browse the forum, you need to be a professional subscriber or have 500+ MozPoints to have full access to the resource.

website: https://moz.com/community/q

13.The Wholesale Forums

The Wholesale Forums is a free wholesale forum for buyers and suppliers. With more than 200,000 members from around the world, the community is an important source of e-commerce information and advice. In the E-commerce Advice Forum, you can get independent advice on related topics such as opening an online store, website development, etc.

website: https://www.thewholesaleforums.co.uk/

E-commerce forums are a great place to receive advice for your online business. It is wise to join multiple forums and offer different opinions on any problems or ideas you may encounter. Of course, there are many excellent cross-border e-commerce forums in China, which we will introduce in detail later.